I witnessed the strength of community spirit after the devastating flooding of 2022. I commit to fostering this sentiment of altruism and ensuring that, in times of crisis, we stand united in support of one another.

I believe education to be the cornerstone of a prosperous society. Despite the fact that there are no city-run schools in Sylhet, I am determined to alter this. To ensure that all of our children receive a quality education, I intend to establish schools directly managed by the municipality.

We share responsibility for our city’s environment. I am committed to adopting policies that protect our natural resources, encourage sustainable practices, and prevent the effects of climate change.

Every citizen has the right to safety and security as a basic human right. I commit to bolstering our policing system by ensuring that it is equitable, transparent, and accountable. I am determined to eliminate crime and create a peaceful environment for all residents of Sylhet.

I am dedicated to ensuring that all Sylhet residents have access to affordable housing and land. I will diligently strive to implement policies that promote sustainable development and equitable allocation of land.

Every citizen has the freedom to receive quality healthcare. I recognize the present state of our public hospitals and am dedicated to enhancing them. I will labor tirelessly to upgrade our healthcare facilities and ensure that every resident of Sylhet has access to quality healthcare services.

As mayor, economic development is my main priority. I believe that by attracting new businesses to Sylhet and creating jobs for our residents, we can enhance the quality of living for all of our city’s inhabitants.